Basic Wheelchair Service Provider Certification Now Available
09 September 2019

With an increasing global demand for wheelchairs, the need for professional service providers in the wheelchair sector is greater than ever. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 75 million people with disabilities need wheelchairs globally, of whom only 5-15% have one. Access to an appropriate wheelchair requires personnel trained to provide wheelchair services.
The International Society of Wheelchair Professionals (ISWP) helps to professionalise wheelchair services around the world and make wheelchair provision more accessible. ISWP offers resources to develop and recognise providers' wheelchair service knowledge, most notably the Basic Wheelchair Service Provider (WSP) Certification. This certification ensures service personnel have mastery of seating and mobility skills, keep up-to-date with evidence-based practice, and do no harm to clients.
Intended for clinicians, technicians, students and community workers who are partly or fully involved in wheelchair service provision. Upon completing certification at the Basic Level, there is also the option to pursue ISWP’s Intermediate and Trainer Recognition Certificates.
As of 3rd September 2019 there are 58 certified providers from 20 countries. To register or learn more about ISWP's training pathway, visit the Wheelchair International Network or contact Krithika Kandavel, ISWP research and training coordinator, at