We are pleased to announce that PMG will be awarding a number of bursary places to attend PMG205 the group’s next annual conference, which is taking place at The International Centre (TIC), Telford, from 14 - 16 July 2025.
A bursary covers the cost of attending the whole conference including:
- Overnight accommodation at a local hotel, for one or two nights as required (Monday 14 July and/or Tuesday 15 July)
- the Gala Dinner on Tuesday 15 July 2025
- Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be served at TIC on Tuesday 14 July and Wednesday 15 July 2024
- Speed Networking event on Monday 14 July from 3:30pm to 5pm,
- Welcome Event (details TBC)
Please note that travel expenses are NOT covered.
The bursaries are offered in compliance with PMG’s primary function, which is to provide and promote the education and training of rehabilitation professionals.
Conditions of bursary provision
Successful applicants will be required to attend the two full days of proceedings, and then write an article for the PMG online journal, reflecting on the impact of the conference on their practice. Student bursars may instead submit a modified piece of university coursework which would be of interest to the PMG membership.
Articles should be between 500 and 1,000 words (guidelines on submitting articles will be provided to the successful bursary recipients).
Applicant criteria
- Only members of PMG may apply for a bursary
- Preference will be given to first time attendees
- Preference will be given to newly qualified staff, and those new to working in the field
- Student applicants should be in their final year of study
- Only one bursary can be awarded per department/service/company
- Previous PMG Conference bursars are not eligible to apply
The deadline for bursary applications has passed.